Herpes simplex infection (Herpes); It is a viral infection which can develop in almost all parts of the body, with clear water filled bubbles and subsequent crustal wound formation.

There are 2 types of herpes simplex virus. Type 1 often presents with disease around the mouth and face, while Type 2 causes disease in the genital area.

How does herpes disease occur?

The first virus occurs at the first entrance of the active virus body, then remains silent by settling on the nerve roots and makes repetitive attacks when appropriate conditions occur. Symptoms of the first attack occur within 3 weeks of contact with the infected person and recover within 7-10 days. In this case, it is seen that mostly in children, blisters, fever and restlessness are observed in the mouth. Recurrent attacks are less severe than the first infection.

Where do the frogs appear?

Most often, lips, mouth around, nose and chin occur in 5-7 days and full of water bubbles to dry and heal with crusting.

What are the factors that facilitate the formation of herpes?

• Stress, excitement, trauma • Conditions that reduce body resistance such as fatigue or insomnia

• Cold, flu, inflammatory diseases

• Immunosuppression such as AIDS, cancer, organ transplantation

• Excessive sun exposure, ultraviolet rays

How is the disease transmitted?

The disease is often infectious in infancy and childhood, and is transmitted by people carrying the virus around the family and close friends. With kissing, using the same fork spoon or towel, the disease is transferred from person to person.

How is the diagnosis made?

The typical clinical picture of the disease is sufficient to make a diagnosis. If your doctor finds it necessary, you can do culture, smear, special microscopic examinations and some blood tests.

How is it treated?

According to the severity of the disease, effective creams or systemic drugs are used. It is important to start using the drugs within the first 1-2 days of the disease. Repeated patients may be given suppression treatment for 6 months to 1 year.

How to prevent contamination?

There is no vaccine yet to prevent disease and contamination. Protection is the most important method to prevent transmission. Contact with the diseased area should be avoided, kissing and the use of common materials should be avoided.

Does the herpes carry a risk for my general health?

• Frequent or prolonged herpes

• Lip mouth outside the nose, eg around the eyes, fingers, and herpes in the genital area

• Headache, fever, muscle pain, etc.

• If you use drugs like cortisone that suppresses your immune system

• If you have a disease that prevents the regular functioning of your immune system, you should consult a dermatologist.